
Mostrando postagens de 2015

    Agora, o Livro NATH está disponível na  —  Clique Aqui

Umon Gita (Song of The Sea) by Dulce Pontes

Bogonk Rul (Our God Reigns)

Dragon Balls as a meat

Kyoni gyi tardugai metto, Zamith Gisele-to

Franciani, Parisni trageddia, z Izzulamkar.

Early Mistakes

Superlative Forms


The Days of Week

About Higurashi and something more...

Dual and Plural

Irok kay Kombinace - Colors and Combinations

Shun - just a poem

Ordinal Numbers and Something

Jaymenek Vissakolpecem

Gikoratsza, Delilah sis (:


The Participle Forms and Its Usage

The Seylum Alphabet and Pronounciation

The Gerundive: Model - Bir melek vardı

Accel World: Se vis Pacem, para Bellum

Beyoncé - I Was Here