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Dual and Plural

Let's introduce the dual and plural forms on Seylum.

Plural is quite simple, simply done by adding a -k suffix.

ame "[a] rain" > amek "[some] rains"
braune "chocolate" > braunek "chocolates"
statu "state, country" > statuk "states"
ude "arm" > udek "arms"

For nouns ending with consonants, a link vowel is added according to the last vowel in the noun.

If the last vowel is (a, o, u), an o is required.

vondar "hope" > vondarok "hopes"
pul "pool" > pulok "pools"
yom "day" > yomok "days"

If the last vowel is (e, i, ö, ü), an e is required.

iv "year" > ivek "years"
lezzet "flavor" > lezzetek "flavors"
disk "disk" > diskek "disks"

Dual is also simple: the suffix -lar is added if the last vowel is (a, o, u) ...

taba "village" > tabalar "two villages" 
statu "state" > statular "two states" 
pul "pool" > pullar "two pools"yom "day" > yomlar "two days" (it could be also "eight and forty hours")

... and -ler if the last vowel is (e, i, ö, ü):

ude "arm" > udeler "two arms" (it could be also "the arms [of someone]")
me "eye" > meler "two eyes" (or also "the eyes [of someone]")
lezzet "flavor" > lezzetler "two flavors"
disk "disk" > diskler "two disks"

And.... it's all for today. Bye~


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