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Таяно Адвербе - Adverbs of Time

Inside of a text, adverbs of time help the reader build and keep in mind a timeline flowing alongside the facts it tells us about. Of course, they act like time markers.

сакиен (sakien) → day before yesterday
ерен (eren) → yesterday
оже (oje) → today
домане (domane) → tomorrow
ашитен (asziten) → tomorrow
сарашитен (sarasziten) → day after tomorrow

The ones related to weeks, months and years seems to follow a kind of rule -- pay attention to them:

шуу (szuu) → week
сереншуу (serenszuu) → two weeks ago
ереншуу (erenszuu) → last week
кошуу (koszuu) → this week
раишуу (raiszuu) → next week
сараишуу (saraiszuu) → in two weeks

кету (ketu) → month
серенкету (serenketu) → two months ago
еренкету (erenketu) → last month
кокету (koketu) → this month
раикету (raiketu) → next month
сараикету (saraiketu) → in two months

нен (nen) → year
сереннен (serennen) → two years ago
ереннен (erennen) → last year
конен (konen) → this year
раинен (rainen) → next year
сараинен (sarainen) → in two years

The ерен (eren-) adverbs can be quantified to say things like "23 years ago", either by digit or by numbers in writing form. The раи (rai-) adverbs perform it as well.
Ку ереннен, Стеве Жобс л прима iPhone-t рилижитие
Nine years ago, Steve Jobs released the first iPhone.
You can build expressions that act like adverbs of time by just adding the word тани (tani, roughly "in the time of...") right after the thing:
Уарон хадима тани емберк жёкоюкнак теморатек
In the time of beggining of the war, people feared for their children.
Bye (:


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