Ннано Адвербе - Adverbs of Manner
1. If it ends with аи (-ai), ии (-ii), уи (-ui), еи (-ei), ои (-oi), drop the final и (-i) and add лел (-lel):
лидеи (lidei, "creative") → лиделел (lidelel, "creatively")
кандаи (kandai, "generous") → кандалел (kandalel, "generously")
нинтаи (nintai, "patient") → нинталел (nintalel, "patiently")
сарузеи (saruzei, "hearty") → сарузелел (saruzelel, "heartily")
волуи (volui, "willing") → волулел (volulel, "willingly")
2. If it ends with consonant
боукени (boukeni, "adventurous") → боукенил (boukenil, "adventurously")
арнасти (arnasti, "diligent") → арнастил (arnastil, "diligently")
анвакхори (anvakhori, "fearless") → анвакхорил (anvakhoril, "fearlessly")
жабили (jabili, "gracious") → жабилил (jabilil, "graciously")
стенди (stendi, "steady") → стендил (stendil, "steadily")
3. Some adjectives like кис (kis, "little"), наг (nag, "big") and others don't end with -i, just add ил (-il).
Important: some adjectives have special formation such as полностел (polnostel, "completely"), so they have to be memorized.
Some tips:
ResponderExcluirги (gi, "good") → гил (gil, "goodly")
бöз (böz, "bad") → бöзил (bözil, "badly")
аии (aii, "lovely" [adj.]) → аилел (ailel, "lovely" [adv.]) which would be somewhat simplified to илел (ilel).