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Тоуно Адвербе - Adverbs of Place

According to the context, adverbs help to improve the precision of the subject, making the discourse clearer on its details. There are several ones -- a lot of them! They can be classified in place, time, frequency, intensivity, negation and manner adverbs, among others.

Alethian Language has such divisions very related to its way of formation.

Тоуно Адвербе (Touno Adverbe - Adverbs of Place) has no only special way of formation.

The here, there and over there make a triad generated  by the metaprefixes к (k-) с (s-) and х (h-, sometimes absent), presented in the table below:

The Triad Adverb of PlaceMeaningExamples
кеkehereКес хон да ке.
Kes hon da ke.
This book is here.
сеsethereЖохннак аои курумой да се.
Johnnak aoi kurumoy da se.
The John's blue car is there.
хе /
he /
over thereЕя! Xе медарех!
Eya! He medareh!
Hey! Look over there!

The triad above is related to the demonstratives кес / кесе (kes / kese) "this" (nearer to speaker), сес / сесе (ses / sese) "that" (nearer to listener) and хес / хесе (hes / hese) "that" (far from both), the latter being spelled also without its initial х (h-).

Of course, there are many other adverbs of place. For instance, the ones ending in -wards are ended in зар (-zar) as follows:

базар (bazar) → backwards
остезар (ostezar) → westwards
сузар (suzar) → upwards
хаззар (hazzar) → homewards

The ones ending in -where are ended in тоу (-tou, which is also the word "place"):

тултоу (tultou) → everywhere
сомтоу (somtou) → somewhere, anywhere
нилтоу (niltou) → nowhere

And there are others, such as хир (hir, "around"), бак (bak, "behind, back"), тоуни (touni, "inside"), нал (nal, "nearby"), еккени (ekkeni, "outside"), сула (sula, "up"), суни (suni, "up"), зула (zula, "down"), зуни (zuni, "down"), дела (dela, "over"), бассула (bassula, "under") and so on.

Next time, would be about time.

(: Bye :)


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