Agora, o Livro NATH está disponível na  —  Clique Aqui

TDT #3: Daft Punk - Within

That's another song for our TDT moment! It's nothing less than Daft Punk! with its song Within. Very calm, a good ballad to go and come in our dreams, lookin' for ourselves so deep (:

I'll put the video I found too. Enjoy!


Da mane dinek miker irtisanai
Da panai kaem miker leilsanai
Mane samarak,
De l doak da samai
Lozoi da kay numam mu kenmireda

There are so many things that I don't understand
There's a world within me that I cannot explain
Many rooms to explore
But the doors look the same
I am lost I can't even remember my name

Somtani deri mi
B somren szeszni
Dou nireznada
Mett na loyesz: mi ka?

I've been, for sometime
Looking for someone
I need to know now
Please tell me who I am

Da mane dinek miker irtisanai
Da panai kaem miker leilsanai
Mane samarak,
De l doak da samai
(Kiyamnak l zamak da douni ka?)
Lozoi da kay numam mu kenmireda
(Kay vanuznayu)

There are so many things that I don't understand
There's a world within me that I cannot explain
Many rooms to explore
But the doors look the same
(where are the locks to try the key)
I am lost I can't even remember my name
(and I wonder why)

Somtani deri mi
B somren szeszni
Dou nireznada
Mett na loyesz: mi ka?

I've been, for sometime
Looking for someone
I need to know now
Please tell me who I am


doa (n.) : door
irtisai (adj.) : understandable (the -nai suffix gives the "not", so irtisanai means "not understandable").
kiya (n.) : key (used to lock/unlock a door)
leilsai (adj.) : explanable (the same in the above goes for the "not", i.e., leilsanai means "unexplanable").
mi ka? : who am I?
nir-, nire- (prefix) : indicates necessity of something (verb).
numa (n.) : name
samara (n.) : room
szesz (n.) : search
zam (n.) : tranca, fechadura


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