Cases and Suffixes of Meaning
In Varga Language, alike in Seylum, nouns can receive special endings to indicate the most common roles of a word in the phrase, where other languages used to deal with such relations through prepositions and other additional words and expressions.
In some cases (namely from the second to the fifth line), some sufixes depend on vowel harmony, based upon last vowel of the word. Basicly, if it is on (a, o, u) group, the suffix to be used is that one containing a or o, and if the last vowel falls onto (e, i, ö, ü) group, takie that other containing e.
For the direct object suffix, it's simplt -t when the word ends with vowel or with (r, s, sz, z, n).
For the genitive suffix, it's simplt -n when the word ends with vowel.
Suffix | |||||
Nominative | bi "sun" | nun "fish" | deti "family" | tomo "friend" | |
-t / -ot / -et | Direct object | bit | nunot | detit | tomot |
-n / -on / -en | Genitive ("of...") | bin | nunon | detin | tomon |
-nak / -nek | Dative ("something is done for...") | binek | nunnak | detinek | tomonak |
-kar / -ker | Ablative ("shomething is done by...") | biker | nunkar | detiker | tomokar |
-haz | Home indicator ("x's Home") | bihaz | nunhaz | detihaz | tomohaz |
-ve | Instrumental ("using...") | bive | nunve | detive | tomove |
-ni | Locative ("in the...") | bini | nunni | detini | tomoni |
-no | Partitive ("of...") | bino | nunno | detino | tomono |
-le | Abessive ("without...") | bile | nunle | detile | tomole |
-to | Comitative ("with...") | bito | nunto | detito | tomoto |
-fi | Conditional ("in case of... / being...") | bifi | nunfi | detifi | tomofi |
For the personal pronouns, many of them have special forms, mainly biz and tiz:
Suffix | |||||||
Nominative | mi "I" | ti "You" | ö "He/She/It" | biz "We" | tiz "You*" | ök "They" | |
-t / -ot / -et | Direct object | mett | tett | öt | biget | tiget | öket |
-n / -on / -en | Genitive | min | tin | ön | bigen | tigen | öken |
-nak / -nek | Dative | minek | tinek | önek | bignek | tignek | öknek |
-kar / -ker | Ablative | miker | tiker | öker | bigker | tigker | ökker |
-haz | Home indicator | mihaz | tihaz | öhez | bighaz | tighaz | ökhez |
-ve | Instrumental | mive | tive | öve | bigve | tigve | ökve |
-ni | Locative | mini | tini | öni | bigni | tigni | ökni |
-no | Partitive | mino | tino | öno | bigno | tigno | ökno |
-le | Abessive | mile | tile | öle | bigle | tigle | ökle |
-to | Comitative | mito | tito | öto | bigto | tigto | ökto |
-fi | Conditional | mifi | tifi | öfi | bigfi | tigfi | ökfi |
So that's for now (:
Tazaroanak listentikunai eppam.
ResponderExcluirFor the end of times, every country isn't prepared.