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Early Mistakes - Capital Inicial: Through the Wordings

Let's make analysis on the Lyrics posted at Early Mistakes - Capital Inicial.

Original verseMeaningGrammar/Comments
Iranem da maiasaMy path is every morning-m "my..."
mai- "every" (time only)
Douni mi rot mu na šešijedDo not look for where I amro (relative clause)
Feitam mu minnanoMy fate is no one else's businessmu "is not"
minna "everyone"
-no "of"
Bumni žaromot mu lefsevijuMy walking leaves no footprints
Fi mu rozumejš, tun mu lajšIf you don't understand, don't see
Fi mett mu lajš, mett mu rozumejšIf you don't see me, you don't understand me
Douni mi rot mu na šešijedDo not look for where I am
Fi aleivosiam da maheradIf my attitude surprises you so much-m "my..."
-d "your..."
Fi ha telom narah biIf my body turned into sunnarah: (desiderative + future emphasis) form of da
Fi ha manom narah biIf my mind turned into sun
De kol amesoj, amesojBut it just rains, it rainsde "however"
Amesoj, amesojIt rains and rains
Fi ği jomni na ha miIf I could somedaynote the definite article used with the personal pronoun
Pan ašeremet na laketemSee every of my past momentspan "the whole (of)"
Amet na tomeketem kajAnd if I could stop the rain
Da, b rišon misra ni, biAt the early mistakes, Sun-n (standalone genitive)
-ra (plural)
Fi ha telom narah biIf my body turned into sun
Fi ha manom narah biIf my mind turned into sun
De kol amesoj, amesojBut it just rains, it rains
Amesoj, amesojIt rains and rains
Fi ği jomni na ha miIf I could someday
Pan ašeremet na laketemSee every of my past moments
Amet na tomeketem kajAnd if I could stop the rain
Da, b rišon misra ni, biAt the early mistakes, Sun
Fi ha telom narah biIf my body turned into sun
Fi ha manom narah biIf my mind turned into sun
De kol amesoj, amesojBut it just rains, it rains
Amesoj, amesojIt rains and rains
Fi ha telom narah biIf my body turned into sun
Fi ha manom narah alerIf my mind turned into air
De kol amesoj, amesojBut it just rains, it rains
Amesoj, amesojIt rains and rains
Fi ha telom narah biIf my body turned into sun
Fi ha manom narah biIf my mind turned into sun
De kol amesoj, amesojBut it just rains, it rains
Amesoj, amesojIt rains and rains

Well, it should be enough for now (:


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