Agora, o Livro NATH está disponível na  —  Clique Aqui

Cases and Declension: The Instrumental

The Instrumental is the case of the object used for complete an action and/or achieve its results. For example, I'm writing a letter to Santa Claus. Which object I should make use of?
  1. a pen
  2. a pencil
  3. a typewriter
  4. a computer
No matter what object you choose, it goes to the instrumental case.

In English we say something like:

→ I'll write a letter to Santa Claus with a pen.


→ I'll write a letter to Santa Claus with my computer.

Jusuk deals with it by putting the word in the instrumental case:

Ruckave Noelnek epiot rah kataboju.
→ I'll write a letter to Santa Claus with a pen.

Pasokonomve Noelnek epiot rah kataboju.
→ I'll write a letter to Santa Claus with my computer.

No matter how the word ends or which vowels are. The suffix remains the same. Quite simple.

That's enough for now. Bye~


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