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Cases and Declension: The Possession System - Part II

Hi ♥

In the last post we were presented to the Possession System. We learned a bunch of suffixes that work for the purpose.

Person Possessive Endings
English Jusuk words ending in vowel words ending in consonant
I mi-m-om, -em
youti-d-od, -ed
heon-j-ja, -je
webiz-nk-onk, -enk
youtiz-tok, -tek-otok, -itek

However, we need remember something we were told:

"These endings are meant for possession of single objects only."

English pronouns remain the same, no matter how is the object count. Jusuk manages this in different way:

Person Possessive Endings
English Jusuk words ending in vowel words ending in consonant
I mi-im-oim, -eim
youti-id-oid, -eid
heon-ij-ija, -ije
webiz-ink-oink, -eink
youtiz-itok, -itek-oitok, -eitek

These endings are meant for possession of multiple objects, so they must get attached to the singular form of the noun.

Vowel harmony is quite simple as Turkish's (related to the latest vowel in the noun) aind involves just two vowel class (instead of that four ones in Turkish).
  • last vowel is one of a, o, u → -oim, -oid, -ija, -oink, -oitok
  • last vowel is one of e, i, ö, ü → -eim, -eid, -ije, -eink, -eitek 
Some examples:

kese da tejpeim.
 → these are my videotapes.

Albert, kese da kenjeid.
 → Albert, these are your books.

kese da tiroink.
 → these are our trees.

Peter i Julia, ase da krovaitok
 → Peter and Julia, those are your oxen.

These endings are meant for possession of multiple objects only, and every of these must be attached to the singular form of the noun, before any case.

And how get the possessive pronouns for these?

They remain the same as for possession of single objects.

Kesek da mino.
 → These is mine.

Kesek tejpek da mino.
 → These videotapes are mine.

Peter i Julia, asek krovara da tizno.
 → Peter and Julia, that oxen are yours.

O Charlie, kesek tirim da bizno, mu tino.
 → Charlie, these trees are ours, not yours.

O Charlie, kesek tirim mu tino, de bizno.
 → Charlie, these trees aren't yours, but ours.

Well... that's enough for now. Bye ;) 


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