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Cases and Declension: The Possession System

Hi ♥

Sometimes we're caught in a need of express certain things belongs to us or not, and so on. This is called possession and languages usually deal with it by using a subclass of words called possessive pronouns. Let's remember them:

Person Possessive Examples
Adjective Pronoun
Imyminethis is my car
this car is mine
youyouryoursthis is your book
this book is yours
hehishisthis is his wallet
this wallet is his
sheherhersthese are her shoes
these shoes are hers
ititsitsthat are its twigs
that twigs are its
weouroursthis is our house
this house is ours
youyouryoursthat is your farm
that farm is yours
theytheirtheirsthose are their husbands
those husbands are theirs

Let's know right now how Jusuk manages this.

Person Possessive Endings
English Jusuk words ending in vowel words ending in consonant
I mi-m-om, -em
youti-d-od, -ed
heon-j-ja, -je
webiz-nk-onk, -enk
youtiz-tok, -tek-otok, -itek

In Jusuk, adjective pronouns became special endings and so they get attached to the related noun. You noticed more than one option for each person because their using depends on whether the noun ends in consonant or vowel, as also as the vowel harmony.

Vowel harmony is quite simple as Turkish's (related to the latest vowel in the noun) aind involves just two vowel class (instead of that four ones in Turkish).

  • last vowel is one of a, o, u → -om, -od, -ja, -onk, -tok/-otok
  • last vowel is one of e, i, ö, ü → -em, -ed, -je, -enk, -tek/-itek 

Some examples:

kese da kurumom.
 → this is my car.

Albert, kese da kenjed.
 → Albert, this is your book.

kese da hazonk.
 → this is our house.

Peter i Julia, ase da falmotok
 → Peter and Julia, that is your farm.

These endings are meant for possession of single objects only.

And how get the possessive pronouns?

In Jusuk, possessive pronouns are the same personal pronouns declined to the partitive, In other words:

  • mi "I" → mino "mine"
  • ti "you" → tino "yours"
  • on "he, she, it" → onno "his, hers, its"
  • biz "we" → bizno "ours"
  • tiz "you" → tizno "yours"
  • onk "they" → onkno "theirs"

More examples:

Kese da mino.
 → This is mine.

Kese kurum da mino.
 → This car is mine.

Peter i Julia, ase falmo da tizno.
 → Peter and Julia, that farm is yours.

O Charlie, kese haz da bizno, mu tino.
 → Charlie, this house is ours, not yours.

O Charlie, kese haz mu tino, de bizno.
 → Charlie, this house is not yours, but ours.

Well... that's enough for now. Bye ;) 


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