Agora, o Livro NATH está disponível na  —  Clique Aqui

The Possessive Endings - Part I

Possession is given and shown by attaching suffixes to the noun. Suffix usage depends on vowel harmony, the amount of objets possessed, the person of the owner (I, you, their etc.) and if the noun ends with vowel or consonant.

(for single possession)
Noun ends with
Noun ends with
mi “I”~m~om, ~emmy (...)
ti “you”~d~od, ~edyour (...)
ö “he/she/it”~ya, -ye~ya, -yehis/her/its (...)
biz “we”~nk~onk, ~enkour (...)
tiz “you (pl.)”~tok, ~tek~otok, ~itek your (...)
ök “they”~yuk~yuk their (...)

  • men “table”: menem “my table”, mened “your table”, menye “his/her table”, menenk “our table”, menitek “your (pl.) table”, menyuk “ their table”.
  • gal “mountain”: galom, galod, galya, galonk, galotok, galyuk.
  • deti “family”: detim, detid, detiye, detink, detitek, detiyuk.
  • tomo “friend”: tomom, tomod, tomoya, tomonk, tomotok, tomoyuk.

Use of the suffixes above is allowed for nouns in singular forms only. The suffixes for the dual are ~laram, ~larad, ~lara, ~larank, ~lartok, ~laryuk.

Echo Mustafa kay utsolara
That's Mustafa and his two spouses.

That's all for now. Next post, the part deux of this hot shots hehe.


  1. I'd forget to mention on dual:

    For the nouns that receive ~lar, the set is: ~laram, ~larad, ~lara, ~larank, ~lartok, ~laryuk.

    For those receiving ~ler, the set is: ~lerem, ~lered, ~lere, ~lerenk, ~lertek, ~leryuk.


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