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Cases and Declension: The Direct Object

Such coffeepot depicted in the book's cover is a very strange object.

Some verb does not require terms to make their meaning complete, e.g., walk, run, grow, live, die, breathe... Effectively:

Mark walks
Steve runs
I grow
you live
Shannon has died
Kanon breathes 

etc. Thee phrases are complete, nothing more is needed to make them readily understandable.

However, other verbs need a complement, such as break, catch, see, hear, touch and so on.

John broke
the dog caught
I can hear
you can touch
God sees

and so on. all these are incomplete, and then a question arises: What he broke? What the dog caught? What I can hear? What you can touch? What God see?

The response to all of these questions is embodied by the direct object.

John broke the glass, the dog caught the ball, I can hear good music, you can touch the screen, God sees everything. Each of these is a direct object.

Jusuk marks direct object with the accusative suffix -t.

When the word ends in vowel or r or s or š or z or ž it's straightforward: just add -t.

John głasut rompote.
Inu bolat gerite.
Gi ongaut ojukenu.
Ekranot togukenjed.
Bog panot laj.

Some words:

žalapir "nymph" → žalapirt
kör "circular" (a document) → kört

If the word end in consonant (other than r, s, š, z, ž), it takes o or e right before taking the suffix, according to the vowel harmony.

Last vowel
Link vowel
must be...
a, o, uoekran "screen" → ekranot
London → Londonot
tapuz "orange" (the fruit) → tapuzot
e, i, ö, üeden "eletricity" → denet
prestig "prestige" → prestiget
nög "nose" → nöget
basün "female cousin" → basünet

Well, it's all for now. Bye (:


  1. Perhaps nouns ending with -g (nög, prestig) have an alternative form for the declension (accusative, dative etc) which would -g become -ž (nöžt, prestižt), but I'm not sure on it.


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