Agora, o Livro NATH está disponível na  —  Clique Aqui

Declension of the Possession (Alieza)

For possession, a suffix is added, which depends on whether the word ends with a consonant or a vowel. Sometimes, for the former ones, there are two ones, which depends on the last vowel of the given word.

PersonWord ends with consonantWord ends with vowel
mi-am, -em-m
ti-ad, -ed-d
biz-ank, -enk-nk
tiz-atok, -etek-tok, -tek

  1. If the last vowel of the word is one of (a, o, u): use -am, -ad, -ank etc..
  2. If the last vowel of the word is one of (e, i, ö, ü): use -em, -ed, -enk etc..
  3. The 3rd singular form is used also for general (non-personal) possession.
 Here some examples:

nun "fish" → nunam "my fish", nunad "your fish", nunya "his/her fish", nunank "our fish", nunatok "your fish" (plural), nunyuk "their fish".

is "island" → isam "my island", isad "your island", isya "his/her island", isank "our island", isatok "your island" (plural), isyuk "their island".

mel "honey" → melem "my honey", meled "your honey", melya "his/her honey", melenk "our honey", meletek "your honey" (plural), melyuk "their honey".

temma "subject" → temmam "my subject", temmad "your subject", temman "his/her subject", temmank "our subject", temmatok "your subject" (plural), temmayuk "their subject".

Note: for plural possession (i.e., one holder for several amounts of possessed things), just keep the possessed noun in singular form and use a number or quantifier:

Osu!-ni 200 luokani mepya Andrea van.
Andrea has 200 maps ranked in osu!

Philadelphia-ni som hazya Solphie kaî Solomon vannez.
Solphie and Solomon have some houses in Philadelphia.

Ho garfon kay go fakan Karen van.
Karen have four forks and five knives.


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