Aпиркотори - Apirkotori - Hummingbird
Kes kirei anima da l apirkotori, kay sugoil makirei.
Kes da Uren Teremto. Kecelanak nai.
Кес киреи анима да л апиркотори, кай сугоил макиреи.
Кес да Урен Теремто. Кеcеланак наи.
Кес да Урен Теремто. Кеcеланак наи.
This beautiful being is the Hummingbird, which is surely amazingly beautiful.
This is creation from the Lord, not from the chance.
Apirkotori = apir "bee" + kotori "little bird"
ResponderExcluirjaluzia "jealousy; envy" - comes from...
ResponderExcluirjaluz "heat" (as like as animal instinct) - comes from...
jal "semen", which also gives...
jalapir "nymph" (from the celtic fairy tales)