Agora, o Livro NATH está disponível na  —  Clique Aqui

Declension of the Possession

For possession, a suffix is added, which depends on whether the word ends with a consonant or a vowel. Sometimes, for the former ones, there are two ones, which depends on the last vowel of the given word.

PersonWord ends with consonantWord ends with vowel
mi-am, -em-m
ti-ad, -ed-d
biz-ank, -enk-nk
miz-alunk, -elenk-nk
te-atok, -etek-tok, -tek

  1. If the last vowel of the word is one of (a, o, ó, u): use -am, -ad, -ank etc..
  2. If the last vowel of the word is one of (e, é, i, ö, ü): use -am, -ad, -ank etc..
  3. For this purpose, don't take the special vowels (î, û) in account. Instead, look at the vowel that comes with it. So, e.g., follow (1) for aî, and (2) for eî.
 Here some examples:

nun "fish" → nunam "my fish", nunad "your fish", nunîa "his/her fish", nunank "our fish" (inclusive 'we'), nunalunk "our fish" (exclusive 'we'), nunatok "your fish" (plural), nunîuk "their fish".

is "island" → isam "my island", isad "your island", isîa "his/her island", isank "our island" (inclusive 'we'), isalunk "our island" (exclusive 'we'), isatok "your island" (plural), isîuk "their island".

mel "honey" → melem "my honey", meled "your honey", melîa "his/her honey", melenk "our honey" (inclusive 'we'), melelenk "our honey" (exclusive 'we'), meletek "your honey" (plural), melîuk "their honey".

téma "subject" → témam "my subject", témad "your subject", témaî "his/her subject", témank "our subject" (inclusive 'we'), témank "our subject" (exclusive 'we'), tématok "your subject" (plural), témaîuk "their subject".


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