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Phonics: The Consonants

Let's know about the consonants! Most of them sounds familiar, so they are easy. Just take care about and pay attention to the six listed-and-explained ones.


The consonants b, d, f, k, l, m, n, p, t, v and z sound as they do in English. The other act like the following description:

c sounds ts, like zz in pizza.
g is always gutural, like in gate — never like in giant.
h sounds a bit less inspired than in English, while at word ends it sounds almost mute.
j sounds like s in pleasure and in French jeter.
r is always soft, like in inspiration and feature — never like in rose.
s is always soft, like in frost — never assumes the sound of z, like in case.


There are only few dygraphs, described below:

cz sounds like Italian c in cello and cinese.
sz sounds like sh in fashion and share.
tz sounds like Russian tzar.
dz is a strongly vocalized form of ts.



béssa  discourse marker.  while, whilist; besides to
déstrucz  v.  to destruct, to demolish
kaé, -t  noun.  world.
kiszajecz  v.  to change, to transform
Komunismus, -t  noun.  Comunism
majo, -t  noun.  sorcerer, witch
orusa, -t   noun.  country, nation.


Time to Pratice

Try read (with your voice) the phrases below:

Geciara majo.
Geciara is a sorcerer.

L Komunismus l kaét kiszajedel béssa orusaket déstrud.
The Comunism changed the world while destroyed nations.


  1. Anre Barojeci kaî l kismacsikanöm b utcani utazdez. Kaî Brina Varosza öket métdel.

    1. Anre Barojeci nx hiz little kitty walked down the street. And Brina Varosza had meet them.

    2. *Anre Barojeci and his...

      Yeah, made a typo. Hard input from cellphone ><

    3. Anre Barojeci, ben Franko Barojeci kaî Perrine Priti Barojeci, mahaben Paûlo Istra Barojeci kaî Priti Bras Barojeci (apakar) kûaî Polikarpus Priti kaî Alexa Hebe Heléna, haptidel 1984/04/25 Asuna, Félano, Ilitide, Bratis.


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