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Syntax Analysis: Part I

"Memrapesz tin Beraszoret tin ifyuszantayani, pré tin akui yomek, pré tin rossi nenek ro ti loûyeszrah: ┌ Kesen mi nai satisfatia ┘." ── Priszanor jukie, édji

Well, before translate it for our language, let's decompose each term:

Memrapesz is a form of the verb memrac "to memory, to remind". The -pesz part is truly a compound of -p- (Imperative mode) and -esz (single, 2nd person). In fact, this work is "remember (you) [a thing]".

tin is the oblique form of ti "you", with the -n (Genitive mark) it means "your".

Beraszoret is the object form (because of the -t suffix) of Beraszor "The Creator". The e between the word end and the -t suffix is just a link vowel.

Here we can say "Remember the Creator..." as an acceptable translation, although the correct is "Remember the your Creator...".

tin was explained above.

ifyuszantayani is a compound word: ifyusza means "youth". Taya is "time", but in the same sense of "days" on "the days of youth". And the -n suffix in the middle is, newly, the Genitive mark, which can be used as a link between the words with a possessive relation. Ah! The -ni ending could be took as "in the".

"Remember the Creator in the days of youth"... It sounds familiar to you? If yes, I'm sure you can translate the rest. However, some people would know the other words in detail. Let's go!

pré is before. Simply.

akui is bad, worst. It came from Japanese aku "the evil, the worse".

yomek is the plural of yom "day", which came from Hebrew. The -k is a plural suffix. Again, the -e- is a link vowel. Thence, yomek is "days".

rossi is also "bad, worst", but the meaning is less stronger than akui, and it doesn't apply for people as akui does.

nenek is "years", plural of nen "year", and it came from Japanese. The explanations for its parts are the same for the yomek, above.

ro is the phrase divisor. In fact, its meaning depends almost solely on context, but it could be roughly translated as "that" or even "in which".

ti is you.

loûyeszrah is the verb loûmac "to say, to speak" in the single, 2nd person (-yesz) form, with an additional suffix (-rah) which reinforces the meaning of being a future action. Meaning: "you will say".

Kesen is "this". In the text, the -k suffix was omitted ─ it should be kesenek "these".

mi is I.

nai is not. Here, it denies the verb.

satisfatia is "contentment, satisfaction".

With all words explained, let's see the translation:

"Remind the Creator in the days of youth, before the worst days, before the worst years in which you'll say «In these I not contentment.»".

The «last part» is just a rough transwordation, not a proper translation ─ let's give a better one:

"Remind the Creator in the days of youth, before the worst days, before the worst years in which you'll say «In these I'm not pleased.»".

Well, we hope you pleased the explanations.



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